The school is conveniently located near transportation and in a locality that affords ample opportunity for practical work. We are housed on the main floor of a multi-unit brick building, which is adequately lighted, heated and air-conditioned. We have twelve barber chairs and all the necessary facilities and equipment for handling the maximum number of students allowed.
Students are required to maintain prompt and regular attendance. Records are kept showing absence, tardiness, hours completed, practical/theory. Students will be allowed 3 excused absences per month. Afterwards, students can be suspended. Any reinstatement will be based on administrative review, a reinstatement fee, a current tuition balance for hours completed, and a months’ tuition in advance. All course hours and assignments must be completed before a graduation certificate will be issued.
Refund Policy
Once application fee and down payment are completed, monthly payment will be $300.00 or $75.00 per week. Remaining monthly installments will decrease on a schedule.
Over .01%(75hours) to 4.9....10% retained
Over 5% to 9.9%....................30% retained
Over 10% to 14.9%.................40% retained
Over 15.0% to 24.9%............45% retained
25% to 49.9%........................70% retained
50.0% or over........................100% retained
State Board Qualifications
Students upon completion of school requirements and 1500 hours will be eligible for State Board Examination. School finals scheduled near 1400 hours after all fees and assignments are received. Application for the State Board Examination will be submitted after completing and passing all final requirements. We assist each student fully in preparation for this examination with mandatory senior review classes. This also includes the filing of his of her application for the licensure examination.
Students progress will be checked periodically through practical and theory examinations. These examinations will be both oral and written. The student average must be maintained at 80 and above. Students missing 3 examinations or failing in as many, will require immediate effort to make up work, for which students will be given 2 weeks. if this is not accomplished, students training will be suspended for 1 month, or face expulsion if failure continues. Records will be kept to show progress made in theory and practical study.
Student Council
McCoy Barber college has always maintained a very unique student body. We strive to maintain a high level of professionalism that should be carried throughout their career. We will not tolerate less than respectful behavior as a student or a human being . At those times when a student forgets his/her best, we will reiterate conduct codes expected from a student. There is no excuse for not knowing the rules and regulations of the school